Filtering, cleaning, protecting, restoring

mussels are vital for the ecosystem and for the local economy

We all know too well the environmental impact of litter and the harmful consequences to wildlife and humans.

Sian Sykes runs journeywithsian. An environmental activist, she has a real passion for protecting the environment. She is a regional rep for SAS and leads the campaign for a Plastic Free Anglesey.

Sian says;

‘ We live in such a beautiful place and we need to make a change to protect it. Sadly 8 million bits of plastic enters our seas every day. 80% of marine litter originates from land-based sources. Sadly 1 million sea birds and 100,000 mammals die every year from the effects of marine litter. This has to change.’

Sian explains in this short clip some of the issues the Menai Strait is facing in terms of plastic pollution.